Emotional Resolution® Sessions with Cedric Bertelli

The goal of our work together is for you to experience a radical resolution of a debilitating emotional pattern. 

The process can be done in person or via phone/Zoom. No matter where you are, you can permanently resolve an emotional pattern.

You can book an appointment to:

  • Lift the impact of a past trauma

  • Resolve disruptive emotional or behavioral patterns (such as phobias, nervousness, stress, anxiety, panic attacks, depression, rage, jealousy, hyper-vigilance, anger, worry, rumination, inhibition and others)

  • Remove blockages including fears, or things that you “hate” doing but still have to do

  • Reduce stress for more effective participation in life

  • Reduce or eliminate the symptoms of chronic physical ailments, including asthma, eczema, rashes, back pain, joint pain, stiffness, sciatica, nervous ticks, gastro-intestinal problems, arthritis, persistent colds, TMJ, and many more

  • Reduce or eliminate disruptive behaviors: including OCD and procrastination

Single Session

The goal of our work together is for you to experience total and permanent resolution of a specific emotional pattern.

Four session Package

Resolving one emotional pattern is already fantastic, however you’ve probably noticed that often there are several major blocks in our life.

Each Emotional Resolution® session includes 3 steps:

  1. A free assessment over the phone: You will explain to me the emotional difficulty you would like to work on. I will let you know how to prepare for the session, as well as answer any questions. Time required: 15 minutes.

  2. The actual session. The time required varies, but please budget 45 minutes.

  3. Check-in: A few days after the session we will evaluate the result of our work together.
